Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yesterday, I meant to explain why there had been next to nothing posted last week, but a catastrophe occured and delayed me once again.
The verse we leaned on most heavily yesterday was this:
"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." ~Romans 5:3-4
Actually it wasn't all that bad. Our washing machine just overflowed and flooded the laundry room and half the kitchen and leaked down into the basement right over the financial records. So we pulled out rags and sponges and mops and cleaned the kitchen floor first. Then we pulled out the stuff from the basement and left in the sun and wind to dry. Nothing was ruined by the grace of God. But we certainly learned perseverance. I was so tired at the end of the day, that I was singing every word or phrase that was spoken or thought (ask Jo what that means). After dealing with an ant invasion in our pantry, we scrambled to get dinner 'cause Mum had a Bible study she had to get to. I think that explains the delay of the explantion.

What I was going to write yesterday, was this: All last week, we've had dreadful cold things (the kind that start as allergies but then get worse), plus three of my siblings had to take their New-York-required-achievment tests.

In conclusion, praise God in all your circumstances and remember that He is in control and keep an eye on your washing machine.

1 comment:

Homemanager said...

Thank you for being such a great help with the clean-up. I couldn't have done it all without you. :o)
Love you,